
Are you interested in working at North Country Camps?  It’s an incredibly rewarding job, both personally and professionally, and we have helped staff earn college credits while they work at Lincoln and Whippoorwill.  Contact us for more information.  We’d love to hear from you!

Email Ruth for more information. 




“Working at camp is a fantastic experience because it allows you to find a perfect balance between preserving carefree childhood summers while also encouraging you to grow into new and mature responsibilities and experiences.  A summer working at camp is not only rewarding professionally, it provides a unique context to get to know a community intimately and wholly that will remain with you for a lifetime.”  - Danny Hickey, USA


“Camp is simply the most unreal experience I could have ever imagined.  Coming from overseas, I didn’t really know what to expect working here, but in all honesty, it turned out to be my second home.  Having returned for 3 summers, I have made friendships that will last a lifetime and also got to work with amazing kids.  I’ve also gained a lot of skills being here and it has helped me develop into the person I am today. - Jack Simmons, UK


“Working at North Country Camps is more than just a summer job.  Throughout my years at camp, I have gained rich, indelible experiences- leading wilderness expeditions deep in the Adirondack Park, watching colorful sunsets on Augur lake, sitting by the fire, surrounded by the whole camp community- and forged incredible, lasting friendships that span across countries and years.  When I think of the most influential thing in my life, my thoughts always turn to NCC.  Each magical moment contributes to the vibrant tapestry of every single summer, which in turn, has shaped who I am as a person.  North Country Camps is more than just a summer job…it’s home.  - Jess Lewy, USA


Working at Camp Whip was one of the best decisions I ever made.  Not only did it introduce me to some of my closest friends, it also helped me grow as a person.  Working at Whip strengthened my confidence as a leader, taught me the importance of safety, and the ability to work with a variety of people; all skills and stories I described when applying for full time jobs.  On top of all that, I was able to go on some insanely cool trips in the Adirondack mountains and build relationships with a really incredible group of campers.  Cannot say enough good things about spending a summer working at Whip!! - Erin Coyne, USA